Campaign concept, design, and pitch.
Manchester, UK
August-September 2021
Loganair (Scotland’s Airline) was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, with many flights
grounded and staff furloughed. However, things are now very much moving back towards
As people return to doing the things they love doing again, there’s an opportunity to widen our
appeal, targeting those who pre-pandemic would have considered the likes of easyJet, Ryanair
or British Airways as their go-to options in the first instance, but not Loganair ...when actually,
they should have done!
With this in mind, we want people to take a fresh look at Loganair.
We're not looking for a campaign focussed on a specific route, destination, or service, but instead be geared towards provoking wider reconsideration of Loganair and generating brand fame, which will
have a halo effect on bookings as a result.
This campaign must be practible and deliverable, you might suggest a particular target audience segment or a particular trend or insight your pitch is in response to.
Concept pitch.
All ideation, design, and conceptualisation by me.